A Mother's Day Apart: Essential oil blends for Mother's Day Featuring the Embrace Collection
It’s time to celebrate mothers everywhere! And I am ready.
The season approaching this Mother’s Day has been one of separation from the women we love -- our moms or mother figures or friends -- and I don’t know about you, but I am so eager for the day when we can reenact a Hollywood movie scene and run into each other’s arms again!
Whether we get to be with some of our favorite moms this Mother’s Day or if we are apart, we can still send them a gift that says, “I fully embrace you!”

We crafted the Embrace Collection as a reminder of the closeness we have because of our love for each other. Even when we are physically apart, our love connects us.
This collection is a way of expressing gratitude to the women who have always embraced us, who love us fully, who accept us in all of our perfections and imperfections--together or apart.

This is a picture of my mama (and sister) who has always made me feel like I belong, like I have a special place in the world. She has embraced me in so many ways, and there’s something special about being able to return some of that love back to her with a special Mother's Day gift.
Whoever that wonderful person is for you, we hope you can use these gifts as a way of saying, “I love you, I am with you, I embrace every wonderful thing about you!”

Oil Pairing: Lifted in Love blend (lavender, grapefruit, vanilla extract, 1 drop rose or rose water)
For: Moms/Yourself
This elegant statement necklace is for any mom out there, because, girl, you make a statement in the world! The deep pink hue of the rose quartz is a natural reflection of a mother’s deep and constant love. Pair this with the “Lifted in Love” blend to enhance uplifting feelings of love and relaxation -- in other words, to give those superpowers you have a little extra boost!

Embrace Set Gemstone Affirmation Beads- Rose Quartz
Oil Pairing: Bouquet diffuser blend (5 drops lavender + 2 drops geranium + 1 drop bergamont)
For: Your Mom
This rosey affirmation bead set paired with the Bouquet blend is even better than sending your mom a bouquet of flowers on Mother’s Day -- for one thing, these will never wilt! Rose quartz is the crystal of love, so your mom can wear these as an ever-present reminder of your love for her. With these affirmation beads, you affirm all the love she has given you over the years, and you give back a piece of love and gratitude to her.

BLUSH RAINBOW DIFFUSER BRACELET collaboration with Robin Lee Essentials
Oil Pairing: Hearts of Hope blend (lavender, rosemary, orange, ylang ylang)
For: Mothers-in-Hope, Mothers Remembering, and Moms of Rainbow Babies
Mother’s Day is not only a day of celebration, but also of memory and of hope. We celebrate mothers who have loved and sacrificed in every way. If you or a mom friend have ever lost a child, or wait with hope for a little one who is yet to be, or are celebrating a miracle baby, we hold up a rainbow with you. We affirm in you the strength of hope and the beauty of remembering. We are honored to craft a bracelet for some of the most strong, tender, compassionate women out there.

Oil Pairing: Shine On roller bottle blend (12 drops lavender, 9 drops cedarwood, 6 drops tangerine; fill with carrier oil of choice)
For: Mother Figures
This one goes to the teachers, the mentors, the friends -- the women who have been there for us or linked elbows with us on our own motherhood journeys. We know it takes a lot, and yet they do it with such grace and grit! To acknowledge the rock they are and to give them a boost so they can “Shine On,” we created this little gift set!

Clear Quartz Clusters Long Gemstone Diffuser Necklace
Oil Pairing: Open Arms blend (bergamot + frankincense)
For: Moms/Yourself
This is one of my personal faves, so for you moms out there, just go ahead and tell your kids that this one is for you! Isn’t she gorgeous? The way the crystals reach from these clusters reminds me to let my heart reach out in openness -- releasing fear and anxiety and receiving love. This little gem and the Open Arms blend make a great gift for moms everywhere whose hearts and arms are open and ready to embrace others.

Friend, I am so grateful for you. I hope this Mother’s Day you embrace every wonderful thing about yourself, and I just know you're casting that beautiful love in your heart back out into the world. You’ve already cast it my way! I’d love to hear how you’re sharing an embrace with the moms in your life this Mother’s Day. Share in the comments below!
P.S. You can download all of the Embrace Oil Blends here for yourself or to share with a friend!